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Acting for Solicitors - A Guide for Reporting Accountants Training Course Leeds

Venue TBC, Leeds - 24 June 2014, 1.45pm to 5.00pm

On Tuesday 24 June 2014, we are holding our Acting for Solicitors - A Guide for Reporting Accountants SRA accredited CPD training course in Leeds.

The course content has been carefully designed with accountants in mind and focuses on the role of the reporting accountant undertaking solicitors‘ audits under the SRA Accounts Rules 2011. When completing an Accountant’s Report, the accountant is involved with one of the highest risk areas of work which exists, critically, this course will consider the Solicitors Regulation Authority expectations of an accountant involved in the audit of a solicitor‘s practice and completing an Accountant’s Report. This course is presented by leading topic expert, Richard Lane.

Our Acting for Solicitors - A Guide for Reporting Accountants is accredited by the SRA for CPD purposes and has been tailored to meet the specific needs of accountants involved in the ‘audit’ of firms of solicitors under the SRA Accounts Rules 2011 which replaced the Solicitors Accounts Rules 1998, following the introduction of the SRA Handbook in October 2011.

Potential delegates are strongly urged to consider attending our SRA Accounts Rules: A Practical Guide to Compliance course which runs during the morning preceding this course. A substantial discount against the normal course fees is available to those booking both the Acting for Solicitors: A Guide for Reporting Accountants and our SRA Accounts Rules: A Practical Guide to Compliance as a combined course.

For further information about the content of this course please visit our SRA Accounts Rules CPD training page or you can find details of other locations and scheduled dates for this course on our website.

If you would like us to keep you updated on the latest legal regulatory and compliance news, including details of any special offers of our SRA accredited CPD training courses for solicitors, sign up for our FREE newsletter.

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